The Greater Bay Area Drone rescuing competition 2019
Rescue mission is one of the possible applications of drone technology. This competition is a scale down forest rescue mission, where target to be rescue will be separated in four location.
The H.K.U. Engineering Alumni Association (HKUEAA) was founded in 1975. The Association brings together HKU engineering students and graduates of all years and disciplines. She has provided members with a platform to share professional know-how and to keep abreast of the latest trends and development
in engineering fields. The Association also puts effort on better education for the next generation.
The establishment of the HKUEAA Experiential Learning Fund (ELF) was envisioned to lift up the creative, interdisciplinary and hands-on abilities of our young generation. The fund has been used to support experiential learning activities at the Innovation Wing in the Faculty of Engineering. It helped to foster and embrace creative and interdisciplinary ideas, and to facilitate the actualization of students’ ideas through hands-on projects so that they can “learn by doing”. The students were facilitated to think out-of-the-box and enhanced their critical thinking and entrepreneurship skills.
The fund has supported 6 experiential learning projects and more than 176 students in HKU Engineering in the 2019-20 academic year.
Rescue mission is one of the possible applications of drone technology. This competition is a scale down forest rescue mission, where target to be rescue will be separated in four location.
Our project “ClearBot” is a project where we intend to develop a water-cleaning bot for tackling the water pollution problem of communities worldwide. In today’s world, the extended use of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials continues to worsen and impact earth’s ecological systems which supports human existence.
In this project, students will learn AI and robot related technical disciplines (such as machine vision, embedded system design, mechanical control, inertial navigation, human-computer interaction, etc.) through designing and building intelligent robots according to the rules of the RoboMaster Robotics Competition. Different types of robots are required to cooperate with each other and work together to attack the base of the opponent and at the same time protect their own base. Students will form a team representing HKU to participate in the Competition and compete against other teams from all over the world.
Formula Student UK is an educational engineering competition. The competition aims to develop enterprising and innovative young engineers and encourage more young people to take up a career in engineering. Formula Student UK 2020 will be held at Silverstone Circuit, Towcester, UK. HKU team will join the Electric Vehicles Class 1 Division competition.
The annual Robocon competition project allows HKU engineering students from different disciplines to design and fabricate innovative robots with an integration of various advanced technologies, including IoT sensors, AI, computer vision, and mobile computing. Besides, it provides hands-on experiences on product design, prototyping, CNC machining, design and fabrication of electric circuit and PCB, control program development, etc.
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are two promising directions in the future. RoboMaster ICRA AI challenge is an AI-based robotics challenge for university students aimed to inspire AI and robotics research for young engineers and scientists.