Project Matchbox

Any other interesting student-initiated projects by Engineering undergraduate students


Project information

Project descriptions

Project Matchbox aims to recycle old keyboards into DIY controller kits for children. By putting together their own Matchbox controller, kids learn about breadboards, switches, and other basic electronics. This project is perfect for introducing complete beginners to the world of hardware engineering due to its simple design and affordable price point. Since we are using recycled keyboards and many common components, we can keep the cost of production low, making this educational STEM material accessible.

Project innovation

We have 2 working prototypes for the controller.


Team information

Project leader: Enoch KANG, BEng(CompSc)

Team member(s): Hei HU BEng(ME); Bryan PONG, BEng(CE)

Project poster
Project video
Project images
Media links

Learn more about Matchbox @ Innovation Wing


Winner of the Inno Show Award @ The 6th Inno Show

This project team was selected for the Inno Show award at the 6th Inno Show. 

This team has received HK$20,000 sponsorship to participate in international design competition(s) and consumables expenses to support further development of the project.

The best project award - COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming @ The 1st Engineering InnoShow

This project team was selected for the best project award – COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming at the 1st Engineering InnoShow.

PERfECT Wearables: for Minimally-Invasive and Continuous Blood-Glucose Monitoring was selected for the Inno Show Award
Photos in the Engineering Inno Show