Series of 4 Beginner Workshops: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Date: June 14 until July 5, 2023 (on every Wednesday)

Venue: Digital Learning Studio, Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing One, HKU

Series of 4 Beginner Workshops: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Beginner Workshops: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence is designed to provide students with an elementary understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Using Python programming language, students will gain hands-on experience on basic machine learning through practical exercises. You will also learn to practise machine learning in both traditional methods and neural network-based methods.

A series of 4 workshops for beginners to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by using Python programming language. Each session will take up around 1.5 to 2 hours:

Date: June 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 2023 (Wednesday)

(Please be reminded that the actual topics may vary or may be rearranged by the instructor.)

Workshop Date Time Topic
Workshop 1
June 14
10:00 -12:00
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Workshop 2
June 21
Python for Machine Learning
Workshop 3
June 28
Basic Machine Learning: Traditional Methods
Workshop 4
July 5
Basic Machine Learning: Neural Networks

Venue: Digital Learning Studio, Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing One, HKU

Instructor: Dr. Beta Yip

A limited quota of 20 will be offered on first-come-first-served basis.

Eligibility: All HKU Engineering students and InnoHub members, preferably with Python programming knowledge, are welcome to join.