Unleash Creativity with Generative AI through Open AI Engine and ChatGPT
Build Your Personalized Chatbot

Date: July 19, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30 pm

Venue: Digital Learning Studio, Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing One, HKU

Unleash Creativity with Generative AI through Open AI Engine and ChatGPT -
Build Your Personalized Chatbot

In this interactive workshop, you’ll harness the capabilities of the ChatGPT engine to create a personalized chatbot tailored to your needs. We’ll guide you through the concept of generative AI, data preparation, using the Azure OpenAI API, chatbot development, avatar generation, and the seamless integration of speech-to-text and text-to-speech services to deliver dynamic user experiences. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your creative potential with generative AI!

Date: July 19 , 2024 (Friday)

Time: 6:30pm- 8:30pm

Venue: Digital Learning Studio, Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing One, HKU

Class size: A limited quota of 15 will be offered on first-come-first-served basis.

Eligibility: Exclusive for Innovation Wing members.

Instructor: AI student research assistants of Innovation Wing

Workshop Outline
Session Duration Details
15 minutes
1. Account Setup
2. Brief Introduction of the Concept of Cloud Computing, Azure and Azure OpenAI
Data Processing
15 minutes
1. Document Preparations
2. Introduction of Azure Cognitive Search
15 minutes
USe Jupyter Notebook to Try Search API and OpenAI API
10 minutes
Chatbot Building
30 minutes
1. Understand the Workflow
2. Prompt Engineering
Speech and Avatar
25 minutes
1. Implement speech-to-text and text-to-speech feature
2. Base on text-to-speech, incorporate with 3D avatats
10 minutes