Team information
Project leader: Kelvin Ng, BEng(ME)
Team member(s): Angel Woo, BEng(CompSc); Edmond Yip, BEng(ME); Jonathan Ching, BEng(CompSc)
The team is one of the top 51 teams short-listed to the 2nd round of the competition. The team was also selected for the top 10 most creative video.
Dr. Loretta Y.K. Choi
(Project supervisor, Department of Computer Science)
The students have demonstrated great team spirit and their eager to learn about new technologies. It is great to see them applying knowledge learnt in school to different aspects of the project. Students also got to visit local XR companies and meet with experts in the field as well as the Airbus engineering team. Although they didn’t make past the second round, I believe they can make great use of their experience gained in this project and share them along with other students.
Angel Woo (BEng(CompSc), II)
Taking part in the Airbus Fly Your Ideas Competition gave me the chance to understand how technology could empower the aviation industry. By communicating with our mentor working at Airbus and our supervisor Dr Loretta Choi, our team learnt a lot about Extended Reality (XR) technologies and was excited to even get the equipment for prototyping our proposal. I could still recall how we had meetings a day in and day out just a week before the deadline in order to refine our infographics and video. I felt grateful to have encountered a great team and supervisor. This competition experience was super intensive, but equally rewarding.
Kelvin Ng (BEng(ME), IV)
Before participating in the Airbus Fly Your Ideas Competition, I had finished an engineering internship in an airline and studied in the United States for an exchange program specialized in aeronautical engineering. Immersing myself in the aviation industry, I understand some pain points of the industry and believe that the solutions for all those challenges lie in creativity from multi-discipline. The competition rendered me an opportunity to explore the possibility of improvement in the daily operation of the aviation field offered by mixed reality and its limitation. I felt honoured to work alongside with computer science students, aviation and mixed reality expert to work on a proposed solution for unleashing the power of mixed reality and our imagination.
Edmond Yip (BEng(ME), IV)
Airbus’ Fly Your Idea is a competition about developing a solution for problems facing the aviation industry and has been supported by many prestigious institutions. This competition deepened my understanding of aviation technology and industry trends. It is a precious experience to develop ideas, prototype, conduct research and pitch the ideas on the Internet.
Jonathan Ching (BEng(CompSc), V)
Airbus Fly your Idea competition has given our team the perfect experience to get first-hand knowledge in the aerospace industry. Through this experience, I have come to appreciate the complexity of the industry but the surprisingly clear and organized engineering efforts done by the brilliant engineers.
As a team, we have explored a lot of potential application of Augmented Reality headsets in the setting of aircraft. With the support of vis-lab, we were enabled to test out various types of googles that are state of the art.