The Solaris Hybrida

Theme: Smart technology for better living

Category: Product realization/applications

Project information

Project descriptions

The Solar H stands for Solaris Hybrida, which is the latin of Solar Hybrid. It is a revolutionary lighting experience that combines conventional solar tube that diverts light into buildings, solar powered led, solar-tracking panels and the unique modular add-ons.

Team information

Project member: Tang Lik Yin, BEng(CivE)

Project video
Recruit teammates

#member 1:
Major: physics
Skills: have related knowledge about light optics

#member 2:
Major: electrical engineering/ electronic engineering
Skills: have related knowledge about solar panels, lithium-ion batteries, electrical systems

#member 3:
Major: mechanical engineering
Skills: have related knowledge about building services, SolidWork or related drawing tools, 3D-printing experiences

#member 4:
Major: business
Skills: have related knowledge about running a start-up, fund-raising, marketing and making a business plan

Contact information

Contact person: Tang Lik Yin (Nicky)

Project images
Media links

Winner of the Dean’s Fund Award @ The 1st Engineering InnoShow

This project team was selected for the Dean’s fund award at the 1st Engineering InnoShow. 

This team has received HK$10,000 sponsorship to participate in external competitions or incubation/ entrepreneurship/ startup programmes.


The best project award - COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming @ The 1st Engineering InnoShow

This project team was selected for the best project award – COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming at the 1st Engineering InnoShow.

Members of the Club Grenade project team in HKUEAA Annual Dinner