Go Princess

Course project, COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming​

Project supervisor: Dr. T.W. Chim (Department of Computer Science)

Project information

Project descriptions

Go Princess is a 2D escape adventure game made with unity. While sleeping beauty waits hundreds of years for prince’s kiss, our princess wakes up and fight for her destiny. The princess has two tasks, namely keeping alive and escaping. To keep alive, princess should elude possible monsters in her way out. She also need to walk around to find food to support since health point decreases with time. To find the way to escape, she will interact with many NPCs in castle, from whom she might receive messages or useful tools. Finally she will fight with wizard in the main door to get freedom.

Team information

Project leader: Liu Yujie, BEng(CompSc)

Team member(s): Yang Yafei, BEng(CompSc); Ma Zhiying, BEng(CompSc); Qi Haidong, BEng(CompSc)

Project poster
Project video
Project images
Media links