Quantum Demonstrator Kit @ 5th Inno Show

Innovation Wing afflicated student interest groups (Coordinator: Dr. C.K. Chui)

Supervisor: Dr. Z. Chu (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

                     Dr. N. Wong (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

Project information

Project descriptions

The Quantum Demonstration Kit (QDK) is a playful interactive and gamified version of a quantum physics experimental setup, designed to demonstrate key concepts of quantum mechanics to young beginner students to enhance their overall understanding of the subject. The key novelty of our product design, is that it is portable, cost-effective, and simple enough to be operated by young undergraduate/school students independently themselves. On the contrary, quantum physics setups routinely used in research labs are bulky, expensive and extremely complicated, making them unsuitable to be used for hands-on laboratory based education for beginners to this field.

Team information

Project leader: Madhav Gupta, MPhil(EEE)

Team member(s): Li Rouxian, BEng(BME); Lo Ho Tin Sky, BEng(CE); Jason, BEng(CE)

Project poster
Project video
Project images

Winner of the Inno Show Award @ The 5th Inno Show

This project team was selected for the Inno Show award at the 5th Inno Show. 

This team has received HK$20,000 sponsorship to participate in international design competition(s) and consumables expenses to support further development of the project.

The best project award - COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming @ The 1st Engineering InnoShow

This project team was selected for the best project award – COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming at the 1st Engineering InnoShow.

Members of the Club Grenade project team in HKUEAA Annual Dinner
Media links
Email (Mr. Gupta)
