The 5th Engineering Inno Show
Ready to take flight

Exhibition and demo session (For Inno Wing members, teachers and VIPs)

  • 30th Nov 2021 (Tuesday)
  • 1pm – 4pm (Award ceremony at 4pm, and free mingling time follows until 5pm)

Poster exhibition (For secondary schools and other visitors):

  • 1st Dec (Wednesday) to 3rd Dec (Friday)  2021

Venue: Event hall, Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing 

Important dates & event rundown

Important dates

Date Task
12:30pm, Nov 25, 2021 (Thursday)
Deadline of application for showcasing projects.
Nov 30, 2021 (Tuesday)
1pm - 5pm
The Inno Show event - exhibition with demostration

Inno Show Award judging
Participants will vote for the Super "GOOD JOB!" Project
Award presentation ceremony
Dec 1, 2021 (Wednesday) - Dec 3, 2021 (Friday)
Poster exhibition (For secondary schools and other visitors)

Event rundown on Nov 30

Time Event
12noon - 1pm
Demonstration setup
1pm - 4pm

Project showcase and demonstration

Participants vote for the Super "GOOD JOB!" Project Award (voting ends at 3:45pm)

1pm - 3:30pm

Inno Show Award Judging Panel visit the project booths

4pm - 4:30pm
Award presentation ceremony
4:30pm - 5pm
Free mingling session

Promotion slides

The Super "GOOD JOB!" Project Award

The Super "GOOD JOB!" Project Award

Selected by on-site voting by participants.

All participants will be given one “GOOD JOB!” badge when they visit the Engineering InnoShow. They can vote for the best project by giving the project team their “GOOD JOB!” badge. The project team with the most number of “GOOD JOB!” badges by 3:45pm on Nov 30 wins and will receive a gift prepared by the Innovation Wing in the award ceremony at 4pm :-).

The Inno Show Award

Inno Show Award:  Selected by a professional judging team.  To encourage students to develop innovative mindset in tackling engineering and social problems, and to support outstanding ideas to join international design competitions, the Dean’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund will appropriate an amount of HK$100K to support a maximum of five student teams participated in the InnoShow to take part in international design competitions.

A panel to be chaired by the Associate Dean (Student Enrichment) will select the winning teams from the Inno Show event to be held at the end of semester 1, 2021-2022, based on the design put forward by the students, and their presentation during the Inno Show.

Judging criteria

  • Importance of the Engineering / Social problem
  • Innovation of the proposed idea
  • Quality of the proposed solution
  • Technical depth
  • Project impact
  • Potential for further development
  • Potential for joining international design competition

Judging time

  • Nov 30, 1pm-3:30pm, the judges will walk around the exhibition hall and visit to booths.
  • Each judge will visit 10 pre-assigned projects and spend time talking to the student presenter in the booth.
The Judging team
Prof. C.K. Cheng (Reynold)
Chairman of Judge team
Inno Show Award
Associate Dean of Engineering
Student Enrichment
Dr. Y. Cheng
Inno Show Award
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Dr. Y. K. Choi (Loretta)
Inno Show Award
Department of Computer Science
Dr. M.M. Hu
Inno Show Award
Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. K.H. So (Hayden)
Inno Show Award
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr. C.H. Tsang (Alan)
Inno Show Award
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Chuan Wu
Inno Show Award
Assistant Dean (Research)
Faculty of Engineering
About Engineering Inno Show

The Engineering Inno Show is a showcase carnival that celebrates innovative Engineering student projects at the end of every semester. Participating students will have the opportunity to expound on their inventive design, research and projects; harness timely and constructive feedback given by peers, teachers, industry experts and the public through knowledge exchange; and spin talent and ideas into innovative (re)inventions. There are many reasons why Engineering Inno Show is a unique concoction of its missions and vision. We offer a vibrant, inter/multi-disciplinary and hands-on learning platform for students to create their own impact, in and out of the classroom. The showcases also paint junior fellows a concrete picture of what constitutes an exemplary work and open pathways for them to look at Engineering through the lens of their senior cohorts. We believe that Engineering united with hands-on experience is essential. It is our vision to inspire a generation of intrepid explorers and committed collaborators. At Engineering Inno Show, we are transmitting knowledge and values through narrative. Whether it is communicated in layman’s terms or field-specific terminologies, we hope that the seeds of creative minds will germinate and thrive.

Winners of Inno Show Award

We are excited to announce that the 5th Engineering Inno Show was successfully held on NOV 30, 2021. A total of 32 student projects from 5 departments and InnoHub members were showcased in the event. The teams have done an excellent job in preparing the event and presenting their work to classmates, teachers, and visitors. Please join us in congratulating the following five projects for receiving the Inno Show Awards:

Biomedical Engineering

PERfECT Wearables: A Coin-sized Platform for Health Innovation @ 5th Inno Show

Tiny, soft, imperceptible wearable biosensors that can continuously monitor our body condition have the potential to revolutionize healthcare technologies. They are in urgent demand to realize the goal of personalized healthcare and digital medicine. In this project, we developed a series of next-generation wearable biosensors for advanced healthcare. These futuristic devices are developed based on the PERfECT chip, which is the world’s smallest wearable biosensing platform developed in Innovation Wing. In the next several years, we expect these wearables biosensors will help PERfECT-enabled spin-off biotech companies to revolutionize our current technologies in managing cardiovascular diseases, mental health, and diabetes.

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Computer Science

Scheduling Application

HKU Portal provides a course enrollment system but a lot of sections are provided and each section may contains different time slots. So it is not friendly to plan the schedule and it will be time consuming to test the which section will not causing time clash. Smart Schedule is an app that gives some useful suggestions for scheduling and provides a better user interface to edit timetable planning.

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Mechanical Engineering

Design, Build & Fly @ 5th Inno Show

Design, Build & Fly (DBF) is a regular capstone design project under the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. In the past five years, DBF teams from HKU have participated in various competitions around the world. For this academic year, DBF Team will once again participate in the American Institute of Aeronautics (AIAA) Design/Build/Fly Competition and the British Model Flying Association 2022 University and Schools Flight Challenges. Teams are expected to go through the process of designing, manufacturing prototypes, testing, redesigning and competing with other international teams over the globe.

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Mechanical Engineering

HKU UAS@5th Inno Show

HKU UAS is an Unmanned Aerial Systems team dedicated to forming a community of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) enthusiasts and its associated systems, consisting of two technical teams: Mechanical Team and Computer Science Team. The team aims to join the AUVSI SUAS international competition, situated in Maryland, U.S.A. The competition requires the team to design a UAS capable of Autonomous Flight, Obstacle Avoidance, Object Detection, Classification and Localization, Mapping, Airdrop and Package Delivery via an Unmanned Ground Vehicle.

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Computer Science

RoboMaster @ 5th Inno Show

Students will design and develop different types of robots that can launch projectiles in a complex battlefield. The robots are required to cooperate with each other and work together to attack the base of the opponent and at the same time protect their own base. Students will form a team to participate in the RoboMaster 2022 Robotics Competition and compete against other teams from all over the world using their self-build robots.

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Projects in the show
Civil Engineering

Influence of Disinfectants on Microbial Water Treatment Processes

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of disinfectants has surged in order to contain the spread of the virus. Many disinfectants will be sent to wastewater treatment plants after use for treatment before discharging back to the environment. Nevertheless, studies have shown that large amounts of disinfectants can inhibit biological reactions during the wastewater treatment process. The activated sludge process, which counts on microorganisms to break down complex organic matters in wastewater, is particularly susceptible to disinfectants. Hence, this study aims to investigate the inhibitory effects of two common active ingredients of disinfectants, namely QACs and sodium hypochlorite, on the activated sludge process. It is hoped that the study will be able to recommend an active ingredient of disinfectant that has the required efficacy and the least impact on the wastewater treatment system.

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Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

ENGG1320-IMSE-Modo_Robo @ 5th Inno Show

Ours project is a soccer robot that is designed to look like an actual soccer ball. It has a ball-like shell, thus having an attractive look, while also being sturdy. It also has a pair of arms which is ide and slightly curved. This way the robot can maintain control of the ball effectively, while also allowing shooting (which requires certain control techniques). Its main control mechanism is designed to consist of only 2 joysticks, thus allowing easy control. Its movement speed is also determined by the magnitude of the joysticks. This ensures the robot can be moved flexibly.

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Computer Science

HKU Go AR Mobile Application

Our app HKU Go, targets HKU students and visitors. For HKU students, we want to enable them to view the campus incident reports to stay updated on events in different buildings. On the other hand, visitors can play AR games on campus to learn about buildings in HKU. Therefore, our application has three building blocks – the map, AR objects and incident notices. The application relies on the map to provide hints of AR game and incident notice for the buildings. Users can react with AR objects when they reach the prespecified region. And the incident notice is fetched from the campus information system for incidents related to each building, for example, the maintenance work, seminars, etc.

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Computer Science

HINCare: An intelligent Timebanking System for Elderly Care @ 5th Inno Show

With a rapidly ageing population in Hong Kong, there is a need to provide more volunteer services to the elderly. We introduce HINCare, an app that encourages mutual-help in the community. HINCare adopts the concept of timebanking, where each user has his/her own account to store the amount of time (”time credits”). Users earn time credits by providing services to others. The user can use the time credits to purchase other services. Moreover, HINCare uses HIN (Heterogeneous Information Network) to recommend helpers to elders.

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Computer Science

Measuring Incompatibility of Quantum Measurements

This project provides a new way to measure incompatibility between quantum measurements, with notable advantages such as its ease of computation as well as it being a metric for one-dimensional quantum measurements – something that enables clustering quantum measurements using conventional machine learning techniques such as K-Medoids clustering.

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Computer Science

HKU ROBOMASTER AI Challenge @ 5th Inno Show

Our project operates on a ROS (Robot Operating System)-based codebase. Through collaborative development from existing open- source code, we present a competition-level solution to our robotics. The codebase involves atomic operations on robot detection, decision, motion planning, etc. We’ve open-sourced our code in HKU-Robomaster.

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Computer Science


CourseMate is a mobile application that aims at helping HKU students during course planning and arranging group meetings. The course schedule planner allows students to input their planned course for the semester and check if there will be any time clashes, which saves them a lot of time by simply clicking a few buttons. For the group meeting scheduler, the app will generate all the available meeting time slots for a group based on each members’ course schedule and duration of meeting.

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Computer Science


Sporcial is mobile application platform for users to create sport events, join events, and communicate with others having similar interest.

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Computer Science


The project is about an application to provide people with an easier way to facilitate fitness, including venue reservation, sociality, trainers ranking, fitness record and history and private tutorials. We hope to provide all application users a more comfort way in monitoring their fitness progress and practicing fitness activities.

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Computer Science

Foodbuddy – Simplifying Food Orders

As students, we regularly order food online, however, most of us have experienced that sometimes the delivery fees are very high.

To solve this problem, we propose Food Buddy – a mobile phone application that makes use of Location Services, Cloud Storage, and Chat facilities to create a one-stop application where HKU students can make group orders in order to save on delivery fees charges and access more discounts.

We have also added certain features to make the app tailored to the use of HKU students. We have also implemented a rating system to ensure fairness for the group orders.

Students can join ongoing orders or create one on their own.

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Biomedical Engineering

Depression Testor

Depression is a prevalent disorder that impairs psychosocial functioning and lowers the quality of life. Low mood, loss of energy, sleeplessness, and an inability to enjoy life are depression’s significant symptoms. World Health Organization ranked unipolar depressive disorder as the third cause of disease burden in 2004 and expected it to be the leading cause by 2030. For this disease, a low diagnosis rate is a big problem, partially because of the current technology’s limitations, such as clinical-based, trigger-less, costly. So, our project comes up with a novel idea by using flash stimulus and GSR sensor to test people’s physiological reactions towards different triggers for self-prevention and preliminary diagnosis use.

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Computer Science


Our commercial app aims to provide virtual business card experience. Key functions include card maker and exchanging cards with others, mainly for the business users. Communication are prime concern of the business world, so we also make it possible for the private chats. This is a one-for-all solution of virtual business card and intends to bridge up service provider and their targeted clients. Some future potential features include community forums to linked up people in similar industry and convert the real business card into a virtual one by OCR.

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Computer Science

Vera – An AI Speech Therapist

Vera overcomes temporal, spatial, and financial barriers faced by children with speech disorders in Hong Kong, and tackles the problems faced by speech therapists. Vera is an AI-powered mobile application making use of deep learning and big data to provide accurate and immediate diagnosis and personalized treatment of speech sound disorders for children. Vera also provides speech therapists with resources that help children practice pronunciation, and progress reports that allow tracking of patients’ progress. The interactive diagnosis process is facilitated by a conversing chatbot. After diagnosis, Vera provides personalized and gamified pronunciation exercises to encourage children to receive treatment actively.

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Computer Science


Have you ever lost any items in HKU? Or found any lost items but didn’t know what to do?
HKUSearchU helps HKUers to search and report lost items.

You can view all found lost items in a list or a map. Each record contains the item type and description, found time and location, retrieving method and an image.

If you found something, use the app to fill in a simple form so other users can view the record.

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Computer Science

MATES – Connect with the ones you live with

MATES is an application that aims to help improve flat management habits through communication, deal with matters related to living together. Rules and boundaries between roommates can also be easily established through the use of this application. MATES has functions such as a notice board, to-do list, food tracker and payment splitter.

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Cross-faculty project

PET Plastics Degradation

Our team is developing a self-sustaining system that digests PET plastic using the symbiotic relationship between the bacteria Escherichia coli and the cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus. We engineer E. coli to express PETase and MHETase enzymes and to absorb sucrose secreted by S. elongatus, which E. coli uses as its energy source. The PETase and MHETase enzymes facilitate the degradation of PET into its monomers – terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG), which can then be repurposed in the creation of new bioplastics to maintain a circular and greener supply chain.

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Civil Engineering

3D Print Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

With the introduction of 3D printing technology, a new era of the construction industry can finally be formed! Traditionally, buildings are constructed by using wooden formwork as a mold to hold the concrete. However, engineers started researching ways to implement 3D printing technology into the construction industry, which would help reduce the waste of wood and shorten the construction time. So far, little research on 3D-printable Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC) is done, and our project is to help with the research. We are designing some concrete mixes that are 3D-printable. We check their fresh state properties like workability and printability, as well as their hardened state properties such as compressive strength. We have successfully printed some models, and we are looking forward to promoting 3D-printable UHPC for the construction industry to use.

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Quantum Demonstrator Kit @ 5th Inno Show

The Quantum Demonstration Kit (QDK) is a playful interactive and gamified version of a quantum physics experimental setup, designed to demonstrate key concepts of quantum mechanics to young beginner students to enhance their overall understanding of the subject. The key novelty of our product design, is that it is portable, cost-effective, and simple enough to be operated by young undergraduate/school students independently themselves. On the contrary, quantum physics setups routinely used in research labs are bulky, expensive and extremely complicated, making them unsuitable to be used for hands-on laboratory based education for beginners to this field.

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Computer Science


Our Motivation is to minimize the waste of food due to passing the expiry date and better stock management. Our Main Features include Expiry Date Tracking, Record Product ,Information,Notification before expiry dates and Share with family and groups. Other Features include Other Remark memo (e.g. Price) and Show Calories / Nutrition Facts.

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Biomedical Engineering


It is a portable and hand-free pulse oximeter where it consists of a eyeglasses probe with see-through panel. Real-time display of heart beat rate and SpO2 level can be observed by using a reflective sensor located near-ear. It can be apply on firemen’s protective helmet to check their SpO2 level during rescue which can prevent them suffer from hypoxemia.

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Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

mBot/Arduino @ 5th Inno Show

The smart soccer robot will be the key to your victory in the soccer matches. The product is aimed at teenagers learning STEM education while winning everyone’s favor in its looking. Our no-symmetric design is inspired by Dynastes Hercules, a beetle that can grab the target and secure it. We have made efforts to let everyone can quickly get started with our product. These parts are designed for assembly as people only need to insert the wooden plate together and use a few screws to make the car firmer. At the same time, we have optimized the control of the car so that both novices and professionals can drive them by the style they like.

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Computer Science


Having trouble finding groupmates for your course project or just want to find a study group? iCollab has got you covered! Use the app to find enthusiastic groupmates to work together! No more hassle of trying to find groupmates in an unfamiliar classroom!

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Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Smart Soccer Robot @ 5th Inno Show

Design and develop an Arduino-based smart soccer robot. The control software is programmed with mBlock. The shell is modeled with SolidWorks and produced by laser-cut plank board. The wheels are also modeled with SolidWorks but 3D-printed.

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Computer Science

Mobile App – EatSleepAll

It is an app which integrate information from different platform by calling api and web scrapping. For example, restaurant. We integrated Openrice, TripAdvisor and Google and collect information like price range, address and show these description within one app. Users can search by places, food type and also style of dishes. We will automatically show the result restaurant with required search.
This app can also include other function like filter, sort according to trend and bookmark.

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Automated FireFighting Vehicle

Under the project, a fire-fighting AGV is developed. The idea is to save and protect firefighters’ lives by substituting human firefighters with AI robots in hazardous firefighting environments (e.g., toxic, extreme heat, radioactive, etc.). The AGV prototype has utilized the image recognition technologies, as well as a handful of sensors, including a ALS module, infrared array sensor as ultrasonic sensor. Modifications on the stock powertrain system of the given chassis were also made to accommodate the need to traverse in the difficult terrain of a firefighting scenario. Water is chosen to be the fire distinguishing agent.

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Civil Engineering

New Geo-material for Reclamation: Utilizing local marine deposit and fly ash for backfilling

Hong Kong is facing an increasing demand of reclamation land use. However, we are facing an unstable supply and increasing price of the tradition backfilling material – sand. Therefore, we need to investigate an alternative. Ash-strengthed marine deposit can be a solution. Marine deposit can gain strength after mixing with cement, coal ash and water. This material can also reuse contaminated marine deposit. Therefore, the feasibility of using ash-strengthened marine soil is going to be investigated.

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Coming soon 🙂
Useful links
The 9th Engineering Inno Show
The 8th Engineering Inno Show
The 7th Engineering Inno Show
The 6th Engineering Inno Show
The 4th Engineering Inno Show
The 3rd Engineering Inno Show
The 2nd Engineering Inno Show
The 1st Engineering Inno Show