Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong

Experiential learning in Inno Wing

Inspiring students to bravely plow their own creative furrow is hard. It’s harder if there needs a systematic, sustainable, and impactful platform to support students’ initiatives. As educators, it is incumbent on us to connect the dots between these two puddles. We galvanize the appetite of students for REAL experiential learning in Engineering, and that galvanizes the appetite of other stakeholders for opportunity creation which empowers our students to make those changes together. Its short form, REAL, is a play on words in which it means authentic while also being an acronym for Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Awareness, and Leadership. Such four letters encapsulate the spirit of InnoWing’s experiential learning in Engineering. Responsibility shapes a better world with technological innovations. Entrepreneurship translates ideas into reality. Awareness sharpens students’ perspectives of emerging technologies. Leadership uplifts teams and visionary thinking. 

Our REAL experiential learning comes in different forms, including collaborations locally, regionally and globally and is supported by four streams of resources. Connections, Activities, Research, and Facilities or abbreviated as CARF are the fertile ground for making our REAL experiential learning happen. We develop connections for our young innovators, counterparts and industrial experts to design applications in contexts. We organise events and activities to showcase our students’ innovation projects and achievements. We engage students in fundamental research for inventive doing and thinking, individually and collectively. We provide exceptional space and plentiful facilities for students to use at their disposal.

Resetting the limits and parameters of learning while strengthening students’ proactive muscle are equally important.It is our vision that students do not learn by simple recitals of facts that can be found in textbooks or elsewhere, but by the unconstrained exploration of their imagined future.

Opening hour during Dec 9 - Dec 19
The opening hour of Innovation Wing during Dec 9 - Dec 19

9am - 5pm (Weekday)
9am - 1pm (Saturday)
The supervisor of our Innovation Wing affiliated student interest groups can raise an application
to Innovation Wing Office (innowing@hku.hk) for their team to enter the special project studios after opening hours.
Infection control and safety measures
Before entering Innovation Wing

Mask on, temperature check, sanitize hands
Please fill the in/out registration form and the health declaration form

Thank you!
Thank you for your cooperation and sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thermal imaging in action
The thermal camera is installed for temperature screening before passing the entrance gate.
Maintain social distancing in Innovation Wing
Please maintain social distancing, work in groups of no more than allowed size, mask on, stay vigilant, and clean and disinfect your workspace after use
💪Together we fight the virus 💪
The 3rd Engineering InnoShow
"You can't use up creativity. the more you use the more you have."
A showcase carnival that celebrates innovative Engineering student projects at the end of every semester

Date: 27 November 2020 (Friday)
Time: 10:00 am – 15:00 pm (Award ceremony at 12:45pm)

Venue: Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing 

About Inno Wing
Virtual tour - Innovation Wing
Date: 16 July 2020
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Details: https://engg.hku.hk/News-Events/Details/id/4248
Download slides (~2GB pptx with video)
The Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing provides an open environment to foster interdisciplinary innovations among students and teachers in Engineering and Technology. The provision of state-of-the-art facilities in a collaborative space will enable curriculum innovations that emphasise hands-on and experiential learning activities. The Innovation Wing will be a platform to engage young generation to explore the world, create opportunities for them to learn about the needs of the underprivileged, and acquire practical hands-on experience in developing solutions with real-world impact.
Student Interest Groups
HKU Racing 2020 recruitment session
Target students:Mechanical / Electrical / Electronic / Computing / Business & Motorsports Enthusiasts!
Date: 19 September 2019
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Venue: Engineering DreamLab (G/F of Haking Wong building)

Duckietown AI-Driving

HKU Duckietown Project is an interdisciplinary project that aims to democratise A.I. and robotics research. Through this project, students will gain tangible experience in a fun and playful way in prototyping self-driving robots and applying A.I. to the physical education platform developed by MIT for experiential learning.
A project highlight is the students’ participation in the A.I. Driving Olympics (AI-DO) international contests, with the live final events co-locate with NIPS and ICRA, the prestigious conferences in A.I. and robotics. Through the preparation of the competitions for over half a year, students will undergo intensive trainings, foster peer collaborations, solidify their knowledge and demonstrate a sustainable learning outcome.

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Design, Build & Fly for (2019-2020) AIAA competition

The Design, Build & Fly (DBF) is a regular capstone design project under the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Every year, many ME students show a very strong enthusiasm in this project and our department encourages them to participate in different international competitions. Many student competitions are based on solving “real” cases and problems. By participating in a competition, it helps students to build up links between thinking and doing so that they learn to apply theories into practice with a deeper understanding of the concepts.

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We are a robotic team formed in 2004 to participate in the ABU robocon competition. Since its establishment, and had won Champion 4 times, 1st runner up 5 times and 2nd runner up 3 times in local competition, and 1st runner up once in international competition in the past 16 years. We are looking forward to win more awards for HKU in upcoming competition. Our members mainly come from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Computer Science. We also welcome students not from Engineering Faculty to join us as long as you are passionate and willing to work hard ain robotics.

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RoboMaster – HerKules

RoboMaster (the RM) is one of the world’s biggest, most complex and completely over the top student robotics competition. During the 5-day competition, students from over 200 universities around the world compete in front tens of thousands of fans while millions more watch online. The whole thing takes place inside a colossal stadium in Shenzhen, an arena that usually holds the country’s biggest rock stars. It is all being funded by Da Jiang Innovations Science & Technology Co, which is widely known as Dji, a company famous of its drone product named Phantom. The competitors are here not only for cash prizes but a chance to audition their talents for jobs in Dji. Dji on the other hand wants to use this competition to become the most successful robotics company in the world. This is RoboMaster, a stage for the robot-lovers to achieve their childhood dreams.
– Da Jiang Innovation & Technology Co

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RoboFish (The VAYU project)

This project is the first endeavour of BREED HKU, HKU’s first bio-inspired robotics organisation. RoboFish is our very own robotic fish, controlled by a raspberry pi and powered by a battery, aimed at helping us learn more about underwater biomechanics. Not only does the fish have a high speed potential, but the project also involves the study of how fish movements are affected by different variables such as turbulence and drag. This targets the analysis of marine biology and ecosystems. Our model has many applications for research and development in the academic world, such as surveillance systems and sea exploration.

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HKU Racing

Formula Student is a renowned educational engineering competition, combining practical engineering with soft skills including business planning and project management. It is a proving ground for students who want to create and change the world. Electrification of transportation system is here, the combination of electric powertrain and traditional mechanical system has made this competition attractive to lots of industries leading to companys’ attention and support. This competition jump starts our students’ knowledge and skills set for their future career. HKU Racing is the first team from Hong Kong to compete in Formula Student (European series).

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