The 6th Engineering Inno Show

Innovation Unbounded

Engineering Inno Show showcase in Metaverse or face-to-face demonstration

  • Showcasing team will setup demo in Inno Wing and broadcast to metaverse
  • Date: May 31, 2022 (Tuesday), 1pm – 3pm
  • Award ceremony at 3pm
  • Venue: Metaverse or Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing

Important dates for showcasing teams

Date Task
May 10, 2022 (Tuesday), 12nn
Deadline of application
May 30, 2022 (Monday)
Preview of virtual showroom
May 31, 2022 (Tuesday), 1pm - 3pm
Project teams come back to Innovation Wing for a live demo with your prototype
Inno Show Award judging (4 mins demo + 2 mins Q&A)

Broadcast to the Metaverse
May 31, 2022 (Tuesday), 3pm
Award presentation ceremony

Important dates for event participants

Date Activities
May 30, 2022 (Monday)
Preview of virtual showroom and get a souvenir
May 31, 2022 (Tuesday),
1:00 - 2:45pm
Engineering Inno Show on Metaverse
May 31, 2022 (Tuesday),
1:00 - 2:45pm
Cast your vote for the Super "GOOD JOB!" Project
May 31, 2022 (Tuesday),
3:00 - 3:30pm

Inno Show Award ceremony
The Super "GOOD JOB!" Project Award

The Super "GOOD JOB!" Project Award

Selected by voting by participants.

  • All participants will be given one “GOOD JOB!” badge when they visit the Engineering InnoShow. They can vote for the best project by giving the project team their “GOOD JOB!” badge.
  • Online participants can vote for the best project in the metaverse.

The project team with the most number of “GOOD JOB!” votes by 2:45pm on May 31 wins and will receive a gift prepared by the Innovation Wing in the award ceremony at 3pm :-).

The Inno Show Award

Inno Show Award:  Selected by a professional judging team.  To encourage students to develop innovative mindset in tackling engineering and social problems, and to support outstanding ideas to join international design competitions, the Dean’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund will appropriate an amount of HK$100K to support a maximum of five student teams participated in the InnoShow to take part in international design competitions.

A panel to be chaired by the Associate Dean (Student Enrichment) will select the winning teams from the Inno Show event to be held at the end of semester 2, 2021-2022, based on the design put forward by the students, and their presentation during the Inno Show.

Judging criteria

  • Importance of the Engineering / Social problem
  • Innovation of the proposed idea
  • Quality of the proposed solution
  • Technical depth
  • Project impact
  • Potential for further development
  • Potential for joining international design competition

Judging time

  • May 31, 1pm, each team will be given 4 mins for demonstration and 2 mins for Q&A.
The Judging team
Mr. Joseph Chan
Inno Show Award
Academic Champion of InnoHub (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Prof. C.K. Cheng (Reynold)
Chairman of Judge team
Inno Show Award
Associate Dean of Engineering
Student Enrichment
Dr. Zhiqin Chu
Inno Show Award
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr. C.Y. Kwok (Fiona )
Inno Show Award
Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. Y.H. Kuo
Inno Show Award
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Dr. Dirk Schnieders
Inno Show Award
Department of Computer Science
Dr. K.H. So (Hayden)
Inno Show Award
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr. C.H. Tsang (Alan)
Inno Show Award
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. K.H. Tsoi (James)
Inno Show Award
Academic Champion of InnoHub (Faculty of Dentistry)
Prof. Chuan Wu
Inno Show Award
Assistant Dean of Engineering (Research)
Dr. Yulun Zhou (Chris)
Inno Show Award
Academic Champion of InnoHub (Faculty of Architecture)
About Engineering Inno Show

The Engineering Inno Show is a showcase carnival that celebrates innovative Engineering student projects at the end of every semester. Participating students will have the opportunity to expound on their inventive design, research and projects; harness timely and constructive feedback given by peers, teachers, industry experts and the public through knowledge exchange; and spin talent and ideas into innovative (re)inventions. There are many reasons why Engineering Inno Show is a unique concoction of its missions and vision. We offer a vibrant, inter/multi-disciplinary and hands-on learning platform for students to create their own impact, in and out of the classroom. The showcases also paint junior fellows a concrete picture of what constitutes an exemplary work and open pathways for them to look at Engineering through the lens of their senior cohorts. We believe that Engineering united with hands-on experience is essential. It is our vision to inspire a generation of intrepid explorers and committed collaborators. At Engineering Inno Show, we are transmitting knowledge and values through narrative. Whether it is communicated in layman’s terms or field-specific terminologies, we hope that the seeds of creative minds will germinate and thrive.

Winners of Inno Show Award

We are excited to announce that the 6th Engineering Inno Show was successfully held on MAY 31, 2022. A total of 28 student projects from 5 departments and InnoHub members were showcased in the event. The teams have done an excellent job in preparing the event and presenting their work to classmates, teachers, and visitors. Please join us in congratulating the following five projects for receiving the Inno Show Awards:

Computer Science


Food delivery is one of the booming industries under the pandemic. Can you ever imagine the life of being a courier in in the infected zones and lockdowns? Let’s immerse yourselves into our 3D world and secure the jobs!

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Biomedical Engineering

Development of compact cell-assay platform for democratizing microgravity cell biology research

Space tourism and travel is coming to reality very soon thanks to the development by SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. It is expected to have more people going up to space. EuniceScope is a compact 2D clinostat system with an in-built brightfield microscope to study the morphological change of biological cells. Physiological effects of microgravity have been proved influential, with degrading effects on bones, skeletal muscles and blood cells; and various stimulating effects on stem cells. It is thus of pivotal importance for investigating space travellers’ health on cellular level. The current ground-based microgravity simulating platforms for biological studies are bulky, lack reconfigurability and continuous monitoring. EuniceScope has advantages of lightweight, compact, a high degree of reconfigurability and democratization, filling the gap of current systems’ limitations. High imaging quality and microgravity simulating performance are achieved. Thus, EuniceScope holds huge potential for further development, including tissue engineering, democratization and application to different fields.

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Computer Science

Pick and Place Game App for 3D Printed Robotic Arm

AI versus human players in games has been an increasingly popular topic, especially after the victory of AlphaGo. This project aims at developing a Connect Four AI for STEM education that utilizes a mobile application and a robotic arm to play with human opponents. In order to accomplish the objective, multiple software and hardware tools and methods were employed to design the system workflow of the Android application. Furthermore, experiments were conducted to select the best approaches. Based on the results, computer vision with OpenCV circle and color detection was used to recognize the board, and an optimized minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning was implemented to calculate the next best move. With the completed product, players have an advanced Connect Four gaming experience by playing against the perfect AI, which can be utilized in STEM education by demonstrating the strength of AI in making decisions and recognizing objects. However, with the limitations in the application and robotic arm, the product can further be improved to enhance usability and gaming experience in the future.

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Mechanical Engineering

Cake decorating using 3D Printer

Using 3D printer one can decorate the top surface of the cake using any food paste like Nutella and chocolate icing to create 2D pattern and decorate the side wall of cake by creating 3D model made of dark chocolate, milk chocolate. Together the objective of project is to decorate the top and sidewall of the cake.

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Biomedical Engineering

PERfECT Wearables: for Minimally-Invasive and Continuous Blood-Glucose Monitoring @ 6th Inno Show

Diabetes is one the most pressing chronic diseases in Hong Kong. There are about 0.7 million people in Hong Kong are suffering from diabetes. Realizing efficient blood glucose management is highly demanded to improve the patients’ healthcare. Currently, the blood glucose is mostly measured with the finger-stick method. However, the finger-stick method is painful and cannot continuously monitor the glucose level. This project develops a minimally invasive glucose biosensor by using a microneedle as sensor carrier and use HKU-developed “PERfECT wearable” platform for wireless data transmission. We hope this project could improve the health technology in Hong Kong to better serve the patients with diabetes.

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Projects in the show
Mechanical Engineering

Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Wearable Self-Powered Electronics Applications

Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is a new promising energy harvesting technology that can produce electrical energy. A TENG makes use of the coupling effect of triboelectrification to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. This project aims to design and fabricate a wearable TENG that can be mounted on the human body as the electrical power source of electronics. With the aid of energy harvesting technology, a self-powered load-suspended backpack is developed and it can detect shoulder misalignment. Meanwhile, the load suspended system allows the reduction of vertical oscillation during the walking motion.

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Computer Science

Undead Unalive

Undead Unalive is a fun to play first person 3D survival horror game. The game is set in a dystopian future where Kobid-19 (covid spoof) has taken over the world and unleashed an outbreak of blood thirsty zombies. Further, to incorporate elements of covid into the game, we replaced guns with vaccines, and included face masks that would allow the player to dodge the cough particles exhaled by the zombies. The game implements a huge map with multiple zombie zones. Additionally, we added cutscene animations at the start of the game, implemented user interfaces, score multipliers and audio to create an immersive experience for the player.

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Smart Water Auditing using IoT and Machine Learning

The Smart Water Auditing using IoT, and Machine Learning project aims to provide insights on how water is being in the households of Hong Kong to reduce the consumption of water and raise the awareness of people’s water consumption habits. To help increase participants’ water consumption awareness, a dashboard was designed to provide a simple yet interactive way for users to review their water usage. To create a dashboard, a graphical user interface and a communications system must be designed. However, the initial design of the dashboard suffered from connection issues and graphical user interface performance issues, both of which are essential functions of the dashboard. Therefore, extensive testing and optimisation was necessary to mitigate these problems. However, the dashboard still suffers from minor stuttering due to the microcontroller’s limited performance. Despite this, the design of the dashboard was a success, and it serves as a crucial medium for participants to review their water statistics.

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Computer Science


Epoch is a 3D roguelike first-person shooter set in a futuristic, simulated world as you train to become the best AI soldier. As the player fight through every stage, the game becomes harder and more demanding for players’ skill and wit. Every stage has a different objective: you may need to seek and destroy all enemies, or just sneak through them and escape.
The player needs to adapt and fight enemies in different situations. Attributes like HP and the guns are randomized every stage to provide a different feel to the game each run and creative approaches to get the job done in specific setups. But the final objective is always the same: Complete all objectives, be the best, and save the rest.

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Civil Engineering

Investigation on the feasibility of using completely decomposed tuff as a river sand substitute for concrete production

In light of the unsustainable provision of river sand in Hong Kong and the limitations of existing river sand substitutes, Hong Kong urgently needs to discover new river sand substitutes to meet the growing demand for concrete. Hence, this project aims to investigate the feasibility of using “CDT sand” in completely decomposed tuff (CDT) as river sand substitute for concrete production.

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Machine Vision for Urban Farming Applications

The flowers of strawberries are insect-pollinated flowers that require insects to pollinate in the nature environment. However, insects will not be found in indoor hydroponic farms. Strawberry flowers require insects for the pollination process. Therefore, manual pollination is required since insects cannot be found in the indoor hydroponic lab.

In order to reduce the manpower and enhance the automation of urban indoor hydroponic farming, an autonomous pollination system will be developed for Vegetable Marketing Organization (VMO). This application applies YOLOv4 for detecting the strawberry flowers and for classifying the color of anthers. Also, this system includes the flower growing tracker, which can record the growing situation of the flower for the research fields related to planting.

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Computer Science

REVIVER – a puzzle platforming game

A single-player puzzle platforming game made with Unity. Inspired by Portal and Tenet.
In the game, the player needs to go through all the testing chambers to get to the center of a laboratory to save the world. Player needs to move objects or open doors in forwarding or backward time flow. Moving these objects may help the player pave the way to the exit but it may become also an obstacle in the other time flow. Therefore player needs to plan their actions through trials and errors.

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Computer Science


FOOD City PANDA Run! is a 3D Runner Game developed during the course of COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming. We aim to apply gamification to food delivery apps such as foodpanda, so that the game can be embedded in those apps to meet business objectives such as retaining current customers and attracting new ones. With some food on the tray on top of the player’s car, the player needs to avoid obstacles and collect coins on the delivery road, to make sure the food doesn’t drop and the delivery is successful.

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Computer Science


Cellsverse is a multiplayer game. It is of best of 3 format. We provide three maps for players, namely lung, liver and heart. Players can increase their strength by eating the nutrients that are randomly spawned on the map. Players can attack their opponents by either gun shooting or melee. They can also use different abilities which costs mana. When the hit point decreases to zero, the player dies and the game proceeds to the next map. Each map have their own features and map design to mimic the actual human organ. Through this game, we hope players can immerse into the game world, and knows more about the battles between the immune system and the virus that happen in their body every day.

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Mechanical Engineering

Design and Build an Intraocular Pressure Controllable Gadget

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of irreversible blindness and its diagnosis is often delayed due to its painless symptoms and slow development of loss of eyesight. A gadget is needed to be built to increase intraocular pressure such that the deformation of optic nerve can be studied to facilitate research in the diagnosis of Glaucoma. A goggles-like device was built using TPU by 3D-printing. It exerts force on the eye periphery hence causing pressure build up. It was then tested and it showed successful results during clinical testing.

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Computer Science

Cyber Security Education

HackOS, a sandbox offensive cyber-security simulator game made with Unity, also the course project of COMP3329.

HackOS aims at educating/introducing its players on cyber-security. The goal of the game is not neccessary to have high player retention rate, fancy animations or game mechanics, but rather to resemble the realism of “hacking” as much as possible.

With great freedom, players could perform any actions within the confine of the sandbox. The player could interact with a terminal, launching attacks against emulated servers, services, or any other emulated computer systems exist in the game.

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Computer Science

RoboMaster @ 6th Inno Show

Students will design and develop different types of robots that can launch projectiles in a complex battlefield. The robots are required to cooperate with each other and work together to attack the base of the opponent and at the same time protect their own base. Students will form a team to participate in the RoboMaster 2022 Robotics Competition and compete against other teams from all over the world using their self-build robots.

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Computer Science

Soft Body Manipulation with Differentiable Physics

Dynamic state representation learning that can accurately describe dynamics can significantly accelerate reinforcement learning training. However, deformable objects have very complicated dynamics and high DoFs. We propose DiffSRL, an end-to-end dynamic state representation learning pipeline that uses a differentiable physics engine to learn the representation of deformable objects. Our specially designed loss function can guide neural networks to be aware of dynamics and constraints. We benchmark the performance of our methods as well as other state representation algorithms with downstream tasks on PlasticineLab. Our model demonstrates superior performance most of the time on all tasks. We also demonstrate our model’s performance in a real-world setting with two manipulation tasks on a UR-5 robot arm.

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Computer Science

Freeride Master

This is one of the COMP3329 group project, a unity based game. Our game is to let player to simulate how to freeride in a course.

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Computer Science

3D printed robot dog walking on terrain for STEM education

In this project, I made a robot dog for STEM education based on 3D printing and Arduino development kit. On top of this, I completed the integration of ESP32 and MPU6050, which gave the robot the ability of motion detection. Through the calculation of the motion data and the implemented PID control system, I completed a very good Self-Balance function. In addition, I also tried to apply the self-balance algorithm to the motion state which improves the motion posture and optimize the performance of the robot dog walking on certain terrain. Finally, I sorted out the problems encountered in the development process and some important principles into a document for STEM education, which can help others better understand and apply related content.

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Mechanical Engineering

BREED HKU’s quadruped robot – DoggiE @6th Inno Show

Quadruped robots are envisioned to play an inseparable part of urban operations under the new normal, to perform versatile errands like instant data-retrieval in inaccessible/a multitude of environments, real-time monitoring. Such robots have been heavily researched and developed recently, offering optimal endurance, maneuverability and stability, as demonstrated by models in the market, like ANYmal C and the Alien go robot.

DoggiE aims to become the first industrial-grade quadruped robot developed by HKU, to accomplish accolades of the quadruped robot “Spot” at Boston Dynamics, to supplement task forces during emergencies and shortage of manpower, broadening the range of surveyance, and minimizing injuries/damage to human resources, with less than half of the cost (~300k). It offers versatile functionality, being capable of climbing stairs, implementing computer-vision, object retrieval and self-recovery. We believe establishing the technical basis of DoggiE, enables engaging in partnerships with the government or companies specializing in outdoor robotic solutions.

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Faculty of Education


MotOral is a mobile application that assists speech therapists in providing preventive measures of swallowing disorders for at-risk older adults. Through the app, the users could strengthen their oral motor muscles by doing exercises. Face tracking technologies are incorporated to monitor the degree of movement of muscles and provide visual feedback. Games will also be included to raise the users’ interests in using the application. User’s progress will be monitored and analysed continuously.

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Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Smart Soccer Robot @ 6th Inno Show

This project aims to build a soccer robot including a design, a final product and a business plan for our product. The design of our group’s soccer robot is based on a real spider. It includes the spider legs and webs. The spider front legs design helps trap the ball and not to get out again. Our soccer robot is user friendly. It contains two modes of control. With the attractive outfit of our robot at the same time, our robot aims to attract more teenagers in Hong Kong to know more and get interested in STEM.

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Computer Science

Uni Fighters

Uni Fighters is a game that we have made for the course COMP3329 – Computer Game Design and Programming. It is a 2.5D fighter game set at the University of Hong Kong, portraying a student who gets into a fight for bumping into his schoolmate. Players will play as a student to fight against the opponent using combat mechanics. We created all the models by ourselves in Blender, including the characters and the map, as well as other assets such as shaders and particle effects using tools like Unity’s Shader Graph and VFX Graphs.

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Computer Science

Supply Chain Management using Blockchain and NFT

Supply chains containing complicated networks of producers, transporters and consumers have played an integral part in the expansion of online and offline businesses worldwide. With so many stakeholders, Supply chain visibility which is the ability to track different goods at each point has become essential. With increased visibility, businesses can optimise their supply chain while consumers can ensure the ethicality of their sourcing practices. However due to inefficient solutions, business owners report poor visibility facing 20% loss in goods annually, whereas most consumers would be willing to pay an extra 2-10% for traced products. Goodchain is a platform consisting of web & mobile applications which provides transparency and traceability in the supply chain through the use of NFT and blockchain. By solving the inefficiencies while catering to all stakeholders in the industry, Goodchain aims to disrupt the supply chain management industry and add immense value to all its members.

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Computer Science

Smart Patrol Robot – Lost & Found

In this project, the goal is to develop the lost and found functionality of the patrol robot supplied by Airport Authority Hong Kong, where the robot patrols around designated areas and the camera of the robot will capture the surroundings. With object detection performed with an AI model, the robot will find lost items in the checkpoints and then store information of 2nd class objects, such as wallets, into a database. If lost belongings are found, the robot will report to the staff at the Hong Kong international Airport through a Telegram report channel and update a web portal which shows records of lost items.

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Computer Science

U Rush

U Rush is a fixed perspective third-person 3D action game. The player will be controlling a character running in the street, representing the university’s life journey. The player will be able to control the character by moving in-between lanes while collecting different props and jumping in order to avoid obstacles.

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Coming soon 🙂
Showcasing courses / units

Innovation Wing affiliated
Student Interest Groups and Thematic Workshop projects

A number of Innovation Wing affiliated Student Interest Groups are invited to showcase their experiential learning projects and technologies at the Engineering Inno Show.  Projects from our Thematic Workshops will also showcase their work in the event.

Coordinator: Dr. C.K. Chui (Director of Innovation Wing)

ENGG1320 Engineers in Modern World

This is an introductory course designed for first-year Engineering students. The course aims to enable students to learn about engineering in the modern world, with an emphasis on engineering businesses, systems, and entrepreneurship, and how to bring new ideas to market in both engineering startups and corporate settings. The main objective is to provide students with a broad knowledge of how engineering entrepreneurship plays a key role in the global economy. Students will learn to explore and critique entrepreneurship as a systematic approach to designing, launching, and running an engineering business that offers a product, process or service for sale.

Coordinator: Dr. Ray Zhong (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering)

COMP3330 Interactive Mobile Application Design and Programming

This course offered by the Computer Science Department introduces the techniques for developing interactive mobile applications on Android platform. Topics include user interface design, graphics, parallel computing, database, network, multimedia, sensors and location service. Trends and tools for developing applications on various mobile platforms are also discussed. Students participate in both individual assignments and group projects to practice ideation, reading, writing, coding and presentation skills.

Coordinator: Dr. T.W. Chim (Department of Computer Science)

CIVL4102 Final year project

The primary aim of the project is to give each individual student an opportunity to handle a practical engineering problem and to present the findings in a precise and concise report. An important part of the project lies in the way in which the students plan and carry out the task, and apply their engineering knowledge sensibly and diligently to solve the problem. The way in which the students present their findings is equally important.

Coordinator: Dr Sergio Lourenco (Department of Civil Engineering)

CIVL2110 Experiential learning

This course offered by the Civil Engineering Department requires the student to complete a period of training in the industry, workshop training, study tour, or leadership program, approved by the Head of Department, not less than a total of four weeks during the summer semester, subject to satisfactory performance in these activities and the submission of a satisfactory completion report.

Coordinator: Dr. C.P. Wong Ryan (Department of Civil Engineering)

COMP3316 Quantum Information and Computation

This course offered by the Computer Science Department covers a gentle introduction to the interdisciplinary field of quantum information and computation. We will start from the basic principles of quantum theory and become familiar with the counterintuitive notions of quantum superposition and entanglement. Once the basics have been covered, we will explore the cornerstones of quantum information theory: quantum cloning machines, quantum teleportation, quantum state discrimination, quantum error correction, quantum cryptography, and data compression. Finally, we will provide an overview of quantum computation and of the main quantum algorithms, including Shor’s algorithm for prime factorization in polynomial time and Grover’s quantum search algorithm.

Coordinator: Professor G. Chiribella (Department of Computer Science)

COMP3329 Computer Game Design and Programming​

This course introduces the concepts and techniques for computer game design and development. Topics include: game history and genres, game design process, game engine, audio and visual design, 2D and 3D graphics, physics, optimization, camera, network, artificial intelligence and user interface design. Students participate in group projects to gain hands-on experience in using common game engine in the market.

Coordinator: Dr. T.W. Chim (Department of Computer Science)

COMP3414 Experiential Learning on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

This is a multidisciplinary experiential learning course designed for engineering students to learn about artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. Students will learn AI and robot related technical disciplines (such as machine vision, embedded system design, mechanical control, inertial navigation, human-computer interaction, etc.) through designing and building intelligent robots, and forming teams to participate in robotics competitions such as RoboMaster Robotics Competition and AI Driving Olympics (AI-DO), etc.

Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth K.Y. Wong (Department of Computer Science)

ELEC3644 Advanced mobile apps development

This course aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and programming skill to develop innovative and sophisticated mobile apps on iOS platform. The course will cover the essential knowledge and technologies to develop apps to meet the emerging needs of society: Core iOS and Cocoa Touch frameworks, Multitasking, Background Transfer and Fetching, Notification, Cloud Storage, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, Siri, Smart Watch, Multimedia, Camera and other latest technologies emerging to the mobile apps development.

Coordinator: Dr. Joe C.H. Yuen (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

ELEC3848 Integrated Design Project ​

This course aims at providing students in small teams an opportunity to apply and integrate their knowledge in electrical and electronic engineering courses, as well as project management, to implement a practical system. At the beginning of the course, students are guided to acquire skills in using hardware and software development tools through a sequence of laboratory exercises. Students then begin working on the project. Regular lecture and tutorial sessions are conducted to help students throughout the process. Besides implementing the system to the required project specification, students are encouraged to extend the project with their own inputs.

Coordinator: Dr. K.H. Lam (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

ELEC4848 Senior Design Project

This course aims at providing the very fundamental training in conducting an individual design project Technical Project prior to leaving the University. The essence of the project is for students to re-enforce and consolidate all the learned engineering skills and theories in the school into a real-life practical technical project. The aims of the project are not limited to technical achievement, but also reflected on self-awareness, self-management, and probing the limits of oneself.

Depending on each project offered by teaching staff, students are usually required to individually carry out the Project Requirement and Design, Implementation and Evaluation, Report and Presentation on the selected project. Students are encouraged to explore and lean his/her own direction of the Project over the year during which the project supervisor shall provide assistance and aids along with each Project phase with the students.

Coordinator: Prof. P.T. Lai (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

IMSE2121 Engineering Training

This Engineering Training course offered by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering covers metalwork, manufacturing practice, practical networking, computing practice, design practice, plastic processing, metrology, CNC programming, and CAD/CAM, electronics, work-study.

Coordinator: Dr. HH Cheung (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering)

IMSE2109 Fundamentals of Engineering Design

This course offered by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering covers visualization of technical information; application of CAD software to prepare product design models and drawings; principles of engineering graphics: orthographic projections, isometric views, auxiliary views, sectioning, dimensioning and tolerancing; assembly modelling and drawing; design of components; general principles of product and tool design.

Coordinator: Dr. HH Cheung (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering)

IMSE4135 Systems Integration

This course offered by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering covers student-centered learning on industrial systems analysis, design, and integration. The course is based on case studies and capstone projects in experiential learning environments. Students are expected to develop their industrial systems integration skills in systems modeling and simulation, systems analysis and decision process, systems integration requirement analysis, systems integration strategies and planning, implementation and organizational issues for systems integration. The course involves industrial systems analysts and practitioners from manufacturing, logistics, and service sectors to share best practices for systems integration at different levels such as supply chain, enterprise, information, infrastructure, process, and decision.

Coordinators: Dr. HH Cheung and Prof. George G.Q. Huang (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering)

IMSE4174 Project

A dissertation or report on a topic consisting of design, experimental or analytical investigation in the field of industrial engineering and technology management; logistics engineering and supply chain management.

Coordinator: Dr. Y.H. Kuo (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering)

MECH3428 Research experience for undergraduates

This course involves undertaking a dissertation or report on a topic consisting of design, experimental or analytical investigation by individual students. The course objectives are to: (1) simulate a realistic working experience for students; (2) provide them an experience of applying engineering principles, engineering economics, business or management skills; and (3) train students to work independently to obtain an effective and acceptable solution to industry-related or research-type problems.

Coordinator: Dr. S P Feng (Department of Mechnical Engineering)

MECH4429 Capstone Integrated Experience

This is a compulsory, capstone experience course in the final year of the BEng in Mechanical Engineering degree programme. Students are required to undertake a group design project that runs from September to April of the following year. The project topics are stipulated either by teachers or by industrial sponsors. Each project group has two teachers acting as supervisors and an additional teacher serving as moderator. During the course of the project, supervisors communicate with the students and the concerned project sponsor to monitor the project progress. At the completion of the project, each project student presents his/her achievements to the supervisors, moderator and sponsor via a written report and an oral presentation. This course aims to: (1) provide a problem-based learning experience for students to learn how to apply scientific knowledge and team-work approach to tackle design/engineering problems systematically, and (2) strengthen students’ interpersonal and communication skills through interaction with teammates, supervisors and sponsors.
Typical project activities include problem identification & definition; research into information pertaining to the problem, design & analysis; materials sourcing; communication; conducting experiments/making prototypes for verification and demonstration of results; writing reports and giving oral presentations.

Coordinator: Dr. Match Wai Lun Ko (Department of Mechnical Engineering)

Useful links
The 9th Engineering Inno Show
The 8th Engineering Inno Show
The 7th Engineering Inno Show
The 5th Engineering Inno Show
The 4th Engineering Inno Show
The 3rd Engineering Inno Show
The 2nd Engineering Inno Show
The 1st Engineering Inno Show