January 2022

Automated FireFighting Vehicle

Under the project, a fire-fighting AGV is developed. The idea is to save and protect firefighters’ lives by substituting human firefighters with AI robots in hazardous firefighting environments (e.g., toxic, extreme heat, radioactive, etc.). The AGV prototype has utilized the image recognition technologies, as well as a handful of sensors, including a ALS module, infrared array sensor as ultrasonic sensor. Modifications on the stock powertrain system of the given chassis were also made to accommodate the need to traverse in the difficult terrain of a firefighting scenario. Water is chosen to be the fire distinguishing agent.


Having trouble finding groupmates for your course project or just want to find a study group? iCollab has got you covered! Use the app to find enthusiastic groupmates to work together! No more hassle of trying to find groupmates in an unfamiliar classroom!


Have you ever lost any items in HKU? Or found any lost items but didn’t know what to do?
HKUSearchU helps HKUers to search and report lost items.

You can view all found lost items in a list or a map. Each record contains the item type and description, found time and location, retrieving method and an image.

If you found something, use the app to fill in a simple form so other users can view the record.