
HKU Racing

Formula Student is a renowned educational engineering competition, combining practical engineering with soft skills including business planning and project management. It is a proving ground for students who want to create and change the world. Electrification of transportation system is here, the combination of electric powertrain and traditional mechanical system has made this competition attractive to lots of industries leading to companys’ attention and support. This competition jump starts our students’ knowledge and skills set for their future career. HKU Racing is the first team from Hong Kong to compete in Formula Student (European series).

ENGG1330 Computer Programming I (2019-20 Fall Semester)

Host department: Department of Computer ScienceCourse coordinator: Dr. C.K. Chui (CS) and Dr. Dirk Schnieders (CS) Welcome to Computer Programming I This is an introductory course designed for first-year engineering students to learn about computer programming. Students will acquire basic Python programming skills, including syntax, identifiers, control statements, functions, recursions, strings, lists, dictionaries, tuples and …

ENGG1330 Computer Programming I (2019-20 Fall Semester) Read More »

Safety manual

This document is mounted at innowings.engg.hku.hk/safety/ andit details the arrangement for safety and health issues of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing(“InnoWing”).   ALL USERS should read Section 7, Section 8 and Section 9. Supervisors of Thematic Workshops, projects in ProjectThematic Workshops, Studios and Student Interest Groups should also read Section 3.1, Section3.9 and Section 5 …

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Patrol robotics (Hong Kong Airport Authority)

We cooperate with Airport Authority Hong Kong (HKAA) on a smart airport project. One major item is a smart patrol robot. Currently, the robot is used to identify out-of-order lamp bulbs in the airport. However, the robot can be applied to perform other operations in the future. HKAA has agreed to lend us two smart patrol robots with cameras atop for testing and implementation. After several rounds of discussion, below are some possible directions: – Applications that involve object recognition (e.g. recognition of fluid on the floor) – Applications that involve facial recognition (e.g. Kiosk) – Path finding and collision avoidance – Sensor data post-processing (e.g. utilizing temperature and video data for interesting applications).

The 1st Greater Bay Area drone competition

Team GG2EZ Drone Studio Host department: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Hong KongProject supervisor: Dr. Fu Zhang  About the competition Theme: executing a rescue mission by drone through automation Drone: Self-controlled quadcopter without a pilot control able to grab and drop a medical package. Flight area: 20m x 10m, height …

The 1st Greater Bay Area drone competition Read More »


Date: June 13-20 2019, Tampa, Florida, United States Presenter: Dr. C.K.Chui, Director of the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Contact: ckchui@cs.hku.hk Welcome The Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing (Inno Wing) – opening in mid-2020 – will serve as an iconic landmark of the Faculty of Engineering. Home of future cutting-edge research projects, the Inno Wing will provide …

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