Computer Science

RoboMaster @ 8th Inno Show

RoboMaster is an international robotics competition for university students organized by DJI. It integrates robotics with e-gaming elements to create an exciting and unconventional competition experience. The ground robots mainly use projectiles to shoot at enemy robots, outposts and the base. In addition, there are also drones and darts to carry out air strikes, and radars to assist in battlefield communications. HKU RoboMaster Team (HerKules) has been recruiting enthusiastic students from all faculties since 2017, and aim to provide members with a comprehensive understanding of robotics, including mechanical hardware and software aspects.

inno show


BOMBER is a Strategy base 3D online 1v1 multiplayer Grenade-only FPS game. We aim to let people who are bad at aiming, also able to have fun in FPS games. This game contains 3 types of grenades, they are cracker, remote, and gas grenades; and 2 self-protection mechanisms, which are barrier and dash. The game design encourages players to win the game by hiding their remote grenades, then using cracker and gas grenades to force their enemy, to walk into the remote grenades’ explosion radius. The way to win is how well you can lead and predict where your enemy goes.

inno show

Blood Born – A Platformer RPG SLAM robot with monocular depth estimation

Blood Born is an immersive game that combines elements of action and adventure. Players must use their movement skills to navigate through a variety of obstacles, while battling monsters and bosses using their unique abilities. One of the standout features of the game is the blood point system. Unlike traditional health and mana systems, Blood Born uses a single variable called BP to represent a combination of HP, MP, and currency. Players must collect blood points throughout the game to unlock powerful upgrades and abilities. With its stunning graphics and innovative gameplay, Blood Born can captivate players and inspire future game developers.


Receiptify is a solution to digitise physical receipts from restaurants and retail stores. It eliminates the need for physical receipts by using QR codes and automatically adds the expenses to your budget manager.
Say bye-bye to paper receipts with Receiptify!


Tripmate is an app made for the course COMP3330 – Interactive Mobile Application Design and Programming. It is composed of 3 parts, Tripmate Reels, AI trip planner, and travel toolkit. Before your trip, you can first look at others’ recent trips in Tripmate Reels. Then, you can instantly copy their itineraries and make changes, or generate one using our A.I. trip planner. During your trip, you can use our travel toolkit which includes tools that ease your travel. It is a 3-in-1 travel hub that enhances the overall experience of your next trip.

3DuPrint – HKU 3D Print Cloud Submission System

The print jobs to 3D printers in HKU are handled manually by making a schedule in the booking system, instead of a cloud 3D print submission system.​

The app aims to make it easier for students and teachers to submit jobs to HKU’s 3D printers by automating the process of submitting new jobs​​. It maximizes the efficiency of printing new jobs​. Features like auto-scheduling of jobs allows to minimize the empty time between jobs​.

And a approval system can reject invalid prints​ and make printing managed by tutors or approved users​, avoiding inexperienced users to use wrong filament or break the printer​.

HKU Astar @ 7th Inno Show

Our project A Grade is a mobile app which can help us students get focus when studying but is more than that. We have 5 function now in total, namely Pomodoro, ToDoList, Study Room Statistics and Ranking. A Pomodoro will help user stay focused on their task; A ToDoList is best for user to clear their tasks; A study room is a wonderful place for students to keep focus together and encourage each other; Concrete statistics graphs will let our users kwon themselves better. Ranking act as a in a perfect incentive for user to keep on study and stay focused. Our app is designed to let user study in a relaxing mode. The user will has cute turtles keep him/her company. Hope that our project can help student get better study experience!

A grade, your wonderful learning pattern

Our project A Grade is a mobile app which can help us students get focus when studying but is more than that. We have 5 function now in total, namely Pomodoro, ToDoList, Study Room Statistics and Ranking. A Pomodoro will help user stay focused on their task; A ToDoList is best for user to clear their tasks; A study room is a wonderful place for students to keep focus together and encourage each other; Concrete statistics graphs will let our users kwon themselves better. Ranking act as a in a perfect incentive for user to keep on study and stay focused. Our app is designed to let user study in a relaxing mode. The user will has cute turtles keep him/her company. Hope that our project can help student get better study experience!


The idea of QuestBoard comes from quest boards in RPGs where dispatchers post quests, and the heroes accept quests. Heroes are people who start their adventures and earn their living by completing challenging quests. Dispatchers are people who post quests, and they usually give rewards to the heroes who complete their quests in return. Our app is an app which brings this system into real life.

Unlike existing freelancer platforms and job seeking platforms, QuestBoard focuses on daily tasks which utilize all kinds of skills and are more flexible. Everyone can be heroes with their kindness, and they can earn rewards by finishing quests.


A game app deigned to assist in the orientation programme of organisations, where the user must be made familiar with the surroundings. The user is given a prompt image and has to locate where the image has been clicked by scanning a QR code sticker present at that location.