Computer Science


At Tenki, we hope to delivery accurate local weather data to Hong Kong citizens in minimal manner.

Tenki is a revolutionary weather app. Retrieving its data from Hong Kong Observatory, Tenki provides accurate local weather data to HK citizens. The redesigned minimalistic user interface provides a distinctive and holistic user experience. Users get to access their desired information at their fingertips.

Tenki updates weather information according to users’ location. Users can receive notifications in case of special weather conditions. They can also access to other information such as weather forecast and astronomic data.


People often relate eating alone with loneliness. A research found that eating alone may result in various health problems including depression, obesity and having metabolic syndrome. There are different constrains, like time limit and geological separation, in finding friends to gather for lunch, yet, having lunch is a good social activity to meet people. LunchToGether is a match app for lunch dates, linking people in nearby region wishing to have lunch in the same period of time together to form lunch date groups. The app features instant multiple matching. Whenever you would have lunch, launch the app, then we will make all the arrangements for you.

Go Princess

Go Princess is a 2D escape adventure game made with unity. While sleeping beauty waits hundreds of years for prince’s kiss, our princess wakes up and fight for her destiny. The princess has two tasks, namely keeping alive and escaping. To keep alive, princess should elude possible monsters in her way out. She also need to walk around to find food to support since health point decreases with time. To find the way to escape, she will interact with many NPCs in castle, from whom she might receive messages or useful tools. Finally she will fight with wizard in the main door to get freedom.

The Library: A stealth game

The Library is a horror/stealth game with an interesting narrative and immersive 3D Graphics. It is set in a library scene with several obstacles which the player must dodge while being chased by a monster. The player is exposed to three power ups through the course of the game- restore sanity, Speed gain and invisibility which aid help him/her in his escape. The goal of the game is to obtain 4 out of the 7 hidden keys and finally escape from the clutches of the monster through the exit door without losing his sanity. The game was developed using the Unity Game Engine and captures the lenses of surprise, fun and curiosity.


Bookbytes serves as an online social networking platform for both avid book readers and causal book readers. Users can maintain a list of books to read,already read, dropped and on hold. The defining feature is the availability of a multitude of book clubs catering to people of all ages of all tastes from all parts of the world, except maybe Antarctica. Users can also give and receive book recommendations, post on threads in the clubs they are in and also post comments in the thread. In essence, Bookbytes is a dedicated platform where book lovers can explore their ‘niche’ to their hearts’ content.Currently, only a free-app version with ad revenue pricing model is under consideration.

Club Grenade

Club Grenade is a fast-paced multiplayer action game which a group of friends and family of all ages, at a maximum of four players, can enjoy. In the game, each player controls a character who infiltrates a high-tech facility and fights through waves of enemies with grenades only. The game has a cartoony art-style with cel shading and outline. The game currently features four unique playable characters, four types of enemies, five types of grenades and a single large level with three stages, all fully animated and textured. The players win if they defeat all enemies and exit the level, or lose if all players have been defeated.

Mixed Reality (MR) ready aircraft

Airlines have started removing IFE monitors to promote fuel economy and give way to handheld devices while losing traction and loyalty from passengers. Meanwhile, a US$300-million market of MR technology has just propelled recently and will soon become a new standard of entertainment. Under this narrative, MR ready aircraft opens up a huge variety of entertainment options to passengers and convincing business opportunities to airlines. Yet, without a standardized platform, MR developers are less interested in projects around aircraft, a subject with tedious regulations and tremendous know-how of engineering.

SKYLINER is a middleware designed for MR developers to create and publish their work on board, where passengers and crews can benefit from limitless creations. The platform includes components that are crucial to developers, like spatial understanding of the cabin environment, and compliance to regulations. SKYLINER would soften the grind during the development stage and take care of the needs of partners in MR industry.

MR ready aircraft and SKYLINER mean an opportunity of partnership with IT giants, reinforce the pledge of offering premium service and keep AIRBUS at the helm in the market.

Snowman’s adventure

Snowman’s adventure is a Third Person Shooting game. It tells a story of a snowman, who is losing his home due to climate change. Encouraged by Santa, snowman starts his journey to face factories that cause pollution. Expect resistance, player. For those who own the factories care not about your home, but money.

In this game, player will follow story-driven objectives, which will guide snowman in his adventure. Player can shoot snowballs to defeat the enemies. In the progress, player will level up and gain power-ups.

This game is created as an inspiration to reality. The effects of climate change are seen by everyone, and yet some still deny its existence, while many ignored it. Actions weigh more than words. But what much could a student do when even some of the world leaders decline actions? I can only do my part to spread the messages in my game to remind of climate change.


LoopIt is an application that emulates the experience of using a loop station.

A loop station is a device that allows its user to sample series of short audio recordings generated from an audio input device, where the audio recordings are looped back continuously. It is generally used by musicians to gradually build layers of sounds and music on their own until all the recordings combined sound comparable to a complete band or musical piece.

Currently, such technology in its physical form is very expensive (~4000HKD), hence inaccessible to most. In light of this, LoopIt aims to make such technology accessible to the casual user.